Steam Traps and specialties
DELTA design, three-year warranty live steam leak.
Steam traps type Bestobell DELTA are a hybrid that employs thermostatic and thermodynamic forces for removing condensate live steam leak, valid for the most common applications in industry, such as heating processes (exchangers, autoclaves, reactors, etc ….) drainage manifolds or distribution lines, pipes tracing and removing air in steam heating applications.
These traps meet industry demands small, medium and large, as its manufacturing range opens up a range of differential pressures from 0.1 bar to 140 bar and discharge capacities of up to 140,000 kg / h in a single trap.
Steam Traps FT and DT
To complete the range in classic traps, thermodynamic disc manufactures Bestobell DT 65 and float traps with thermostatic air vent in nodular cast iron, FTH 50 for differential pressures up to 14 bar.