(Español) Niveles mecánicos para medición/visualización de calderas de vapor y depósitos
REFLEX level indicator models LG40/63
Level indicator for the direct visualisation of the water level in a boiler.
- Steam boilers up to PN 320 (working range of until 200 bar and 367ºC)
- Calderas de vapor para industria naval, tanques en diferentes áreas industriales, extracción de aceite mineral, reservorios de gas, dispositivos de enfriamiento según DIN 3158, refinerías y plantas químicas.
- Provided with one visor or with several visors.
Transparent Bicolour Level indicator gauge type A1T/A2T
Level indicator for the direct visualisation of liquid level.
- Transmission of level by means of video camera or a mirror system, version only with mica sheets.
- Also available according to ASME.
- Illumination device with IP 32 and IP 65 protection and anti-explosion.
Mechanical remote level gauge Type G
Transmission of the liquid level in the boiler drums to the boiler switchboard by a piping system.
- Steam boilers up to PN 320 (working range of until 200 bar and 367ºC)
- Materials according to DIN and ASTM, carbon steel or stainless steel.
- Admitted according to TRD 401, 2 remote level gauges replace 1 direct level gauge
Float actuated controllers and limiters
This system of level control signalizes and controls the level of liquid in steam boilers
- Steam boilers up to PN 100 for internal version.
- Steam boilers up to PN 320 for external version.
- Materials according to DIN and ASTM.
Magnetic level gauges NA6, NA7, NA8
ndication indirect of the liquid level in the tank interior by a magnetic system contained in a float.
- For tanks of whatever sort in industrial plants, gas reservoirs, cooling devices according to DIN 3158, refineries and chemical plants.
- Also can be used as a controller or level limiter for steam boilers until PN 63
- Materials according to DIN and ASTM, carbon steel or stainless steel.